Tuesday 26 April 2011

What's this module called again??

So we've gotta help the third years in need, except they aren't in need at all, i presume they just wanna get on with their final projects without having to babysit us guys. Never the less we had to do a presentation to show ourselves off, demonstrating our strengths and explaining our weaknesses, naturally this involved a whole lotta lying from the majority of the class. After what seemed like two weeks of mono-toned talks with the year above slowly being drained of life force most people paired off. These are a couple of the slides from my show.

I stressed that i'd much rather get into drawn work like character design rather than 3D work that i probably could do, unfortunately that's pretty much what everyone else said. Once the monumental clusterf**k that was us trying to pair up kicked off i immediately felt like i had to get out of there, luckily i saw someone else that clearly felt the same way, i recognized a Mr Will Marsh from having spoken at various points over the last two years and knew he was specializing in CG. I ungracefully chased him down the corridor and pretty much forced him to work with me. Also whilst we were talking another 3rd year who i knew to be hugely talented because he had given us a lecture (you heard) a few weeks earlier came up to me, a Mr James Isaac approached and asked if i could also design an alien for him to model in CG. Erm, hells yeah.

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